Aug 21, 2010

pumpkin soup and a cuddle

today i felt like eating so i did, tomorow i'll feel like throwing it up
i can tell you i am so sick of all my friends with their diets and throwing up food, while i sit there enjoying my meal. BITCHES

loving you is easssyyy

JESUS, save us. These crack whore, skanken pictures kept getting to my head so i decided they needed to be shared. I hope you enjoy

Aug 10, 2010

shop til you drop

that old saying shop till you drop dont work for me i wont stop until they shoot me down. Yes its true i believe i love my docs. Dont forget to click here to visit La Dama for free knitted rosaries with purchases

citrus clove 1983

so lately im sick if school, and if its any indication i feel like i have been ran over by a truck so i will make a sandwhich after blogging. My parents on the other hand wont forgive their little princess for what i have done this weekend when i told them i was sleeping at a friends house then ran away to my guy friends party

Aug 9, 2010

dr help im ugly

harajuko tokyo fashion

These tokyo hotties are known for their good looks, shoes and hair. Lets rejoice and sing something funky.

i just broke up with my boyfriend so devostated , why must every song be about love

to take my pain away im trying with all my heart to find a pimping signiture jacket. Baby did a bad bad thing i feel like crying

contradict my light

Good Bless my dear friend Anne who is shipping my new monki things over to me, sometimes i want to through all the things off my bookshelf because monki doesnt have an online shop

were eder you go

When i fell upon this dress on Nasty Gal i knew it was a must have! but its time to pipe down on all the online shopping for me for a while

Aug 2, 2010

natalia LL

belongs to the first generation of conceptual artists in Poland

Aug 1, 2010

topshop shoes

After spending it up big on three pairs of jeffery campbell shoes, I decided it was time stick to a topshop budget and lentils for dinner.